Online Dating Safety Rules

Many people are turning to online dating sites to get someone to hang out with. The whole thing can be messy and a nightmare if you hook up with a rude person or the so-called, not your type. The situation turns worse if you become careless and fall into the hands of an assaulter or murderer. After chatting with someone online for some time, it gets to a point where you both feel like you want to take things to the next level and meet face to face. Well, you might both think that you already know each other, but the truth is you are exposing yourselves and putting yourself in an extremely vulnerable position. Reports of rape cases after blind dates have been reported not once not twice. Finding love is a risk, but it does not mean that you should risk your life. Do not take risks that could mean death or physical injury. This article will give you tips to keep you safe while dating online

Your loved ones should know about it

online sex datingIt is always safe to let your friends, family, and roommates know of your plans to meet an online date. Leave them with all the information of where you will be going, the person you will meet including their pictures and so on. If you happen to make any changes regarding the location or the time you will be coming home, let them know as well. It might sound like being too open, but if no one knows about your whereabouts, they will not be worried to look for you if you take too long to come home from your date.

Own transportation

It is advisable to provide own transport if you are meeting up with someone new. The only way to get out of danger if things get out of hand is if you have your mode of transport. Keep your house address hidden from your online date as well.

Meet in a safe place

online loveNever invite someone you are meeting for the first time in your house or go to theirs. Always meet in an open and public place. Yes, where there are many people around. A coffee or pizza shop known to both of you where there are many people is a perfect idea. Chances of being put in a risky situation are few here. In case anything happens after leaving the place, other people might remember seeing you there.…

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